How To Make Homemade Butter

Yup, you read that correctly, How To Make Homemade Butter! This process is very easy and only takes about fifteen minutes.

Homemade Butter with toast

The price of butter has hit a ridiculous price, especially for someone such as myself, who enjoys baking. $10.00 for butter, umm no thank you, I’ll pass!

So, how does one make homemade butter? homemade butter is simply whipping cream that is whipped far past its “comfort” zone. When making homemade whipping cream, you get stiff peaks, for homemade butter you will continue mixing until the cream separates.

Today, I am going to show you, how to make homemade butter for half the cost. Let’s go!

What Does Lactose Free Mean?

First and foremost, I try my best to incorporate lactose free ingredients in all my recipes. These ingredients can include, butter, milk, cream cheese etc. With that being said, sometimes it is hard to make an entire recipe using ALL lactose free ingredients. For example, my ice cream recipes include, condensed milk- NOT LACTOSE FREE.

Contrary to what some may believe, lactose – free is not the same as dairy free. Lactose – free still contains milk, however, there is a certain component, I believe a type of sugar (I may be wrong) where the lactose is removed from dairy, making it lactose – free. Dairy free on the other hand, contains ZERO milk. Alternatives for dairy free are almond milk, oat milk, soy milk etc. You can learn more about the differences here.

Which Ingredients Are Lactose Free?

  • Lactose free heavy whipping cream

Why You Will Love This Recipe!

  • Making homemade butter is cheaper than buying butter at your grocery store.
  • You can add your own flavor.
  • You can bake with homemade butter.
  • Spread it on toast.
  • The process takes a total of 20 minutes from start to finish.

Recipe At A Glance:

Whipping Cream: You will need heavy whipping cream to make homemade butter.

Equipment Needed:

Kitchen Aid Mixer: For mixing.

Mesh strainer: For separating the butter from the butter milk.

Mixing Bowl: For rinsing your butter

Paper towel: For drying your butter

Parchment paper or airtight container: For storing homemade butter.

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Step By Step Instructions:

Step One:

Pour the entire whipping cream into the kitchen aid mixer bowl.

Step Two:

Using your flat beater attachment, whip the whipping cream on high for about 15-20 minutes.

The liquid will begin to thicken, and stiff peaks will form – you are half way there, keep going. You will start to notice the cream separate.

Be sure to have a cover on your stand mixer, it can get messy.

Step Three:

Once the separation has happened, use a mesh strainer and pour the entire mixture into the strainer. You want to separate the buttermilk from the butter.

Step Four:

Rince your homemade butter in ICE COLD water. Continue to knead the butter UNTIL the water comes out clear.

Your hands will get messy and buttery.

Step Five:

Once your butter is washed and clean, use a paper towel or clean dish towel to pat the butter dry.

Step Six:

Finally, place the homemade butter in parchment paper and shape the butter however you wish. Finally, wrap together until ready to use.

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Other Methods:

There are a few ways you can make butter at home.

1. Using the kitchen aid mixer as mentioned above

2. Handheld mixer –  simply pour the whipping cream into a bowl and mix until you see the butter separating from the milk. This process can generally take about 12-15 minutes depending on the speed of your handheld mixer.

3. Blender or food processor – pour the whipping cream into the blender and blend until the butter and milk begin to separate.

4. Mason Jar – Pour whipping cream about half way, close the jar and shake! You will need to shake the jar for about twenty minutes or so. Talk about an arm workout! 😜

Storing And Freezing:

Homemade butter can last up to two weeks in the fridge. Be sure to either wrap the butter in parchment paper or store in an airtight container.

Frequently Asked Questions?

Can I bake with homemade butter:

You sure can!

Is there a difference between heavy whipping cream and whipping cream?

Both heavy whipping cream and whipping cream are great substitutes for making homemade butter. However, heavy cream has a high fat percentage, giving you more homemade butter.

Tips For Making Homemade Butter:

Mix on high speed the entire time. The colder the whipping cream, the longer the process will take.


  • Feel free to add salt for taste. Add the salt to the end process.
  • Add garlic powder for added flavor.

More Delicious Recipes!

If you enjoyed my Homemade Butter post, have a look at my How To Cut Parchment Paper post or my How To Make A Pie Crust post

Thank you for reading my post today! Comment below if you have any questions or if you’ve tried my Homemade Butter post.

Hopefully baking brings you joy and happiness as it does for me and my family!

From my kitchen to yours,


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